Efficient implant management at Virginia Commonwealth University


Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Dentistry was founded in 1893 in Richmond, Virginia, USA, and it is the only dental school in the state. Its mission is to educate tomorrow’s oral health leaders in a community of service and inclusion by utilising emerging technologies and innovative research to provide comprehensive oral health care for all.


Initially, Virginia Commonwealth University faced challenges with implant management due to the lack of dedicated tracking system. As a result, the manual management of implants led to a series of issues:

  • Financial losses from expired implants not being used effectively.
  • Challenges in monitoring usage, recording returns, and cost allocations.
  • Absence of inventory levels and pars hindered efficient ordering processes.
  • Difficulty in distinguishing between grant and paid implants impacted grant negotiations.
  • Unregulated material retrieval caused simultaneous pick-ups, disrupting the patient experience.

The realization that an implant requisition system was necessary, led to the decentralization of the distribution of requisition bags across multiple locations in the facility



The LM DTS™ Software Server, along with the LM DTS™ Cabinets and Table Readers, were implemented

  • The LMD Logistics Management Dashboard was implemented to monitor implant information, which is fed to the system using UDI database integration
  • Alerts are generated by the system for expired items and low inventory levels.
  • Reports are created to ensure correct billing and reporting to finance.

1. LM DTS™ RFID tags

Disposable DTS™ RFID stickers were used to tag the implants, while RFID cards were given to providers to identify themselves when using the reader.

2. LM DTS™ Table Reader

Two DTS tray readers were placed in the implant management area to register implants, create requisition bags, and return unused implants.

3. LM DTS™ Cabinet

Four LM DTS cabinets were placed in designated areas of the clinic to efficiently dispense implants.

4. LM DTS™ Software Server

LM DTS™ Software Server was installed, and a process was established for implant requisitions.


Virginia Commonwealth University has successfully implemented the implant management system, yielding remarkable results:

  • Enables real-time monitoring of inventory levels and value.
  • Effectively prevents financial losses by ensuring implants are used within their shelf life.
  • Enhances security measures and strengthens accountability.
  • Elevates compliance with regulatory standards, guaranteeing adherence to official guidelines.
  • Streamlines staffing requirements by optimizing system efficiency.

The system has streamlined the implant management process for students, ensured enhanced compliance with regulations, and provided various benefits. These include improved accessibility, enhanced inventory control, increased accountability, reduced risks of loss and theft, and optimized space utilization. Furthermore, together with complete asset management and de-centralized asset dispensing, the university has optimized its staffing structure, leading to a more efficient resource allocation and resulting in annual savings of approximately $100,000.

Explore reporting possibilities

Discover the diverse reporting tools currently employed by Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU). The LM Dental Tracking System™ reports have been designed to furnish extensive insights into inventory management and resource utilization. From detailing inventory stocks to decoding user interaction, our reports offer a granular view of material usage. VCU leveraged these tools to enhance their material management, tracking daily inventory values, pinpointing frequently accessed items, and streamlining cost allocation across various departments.

Inventory Stock

This report displays the implant inventory by product, indicating their respective locations, expiration status, and the overall value of the inventory.


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