Centralized reprocessing solution


A county’s wellbeing services, consisting of 20 individual clinics, decided to consolidate their reprocessing services into three centralized providers. This initiative aimed to enhance efficiency, reduce costs, and establish a standardized reprocessing procedure for all clinics within the county.


Struggles they faced before implementing LM DTS included:

  • Lack of a comprehensive overview in the planning and management of borrowed items.
  • Clinics lack information on the whereabouts of instruments, their return timelines, and responsible individuals.
  • Clinics may face shortages or end up acquiring an excess of instruments.
  • Inefficient management of the reprocessing process. Many clinics having their own personnel handling reprocessing
  • Clinics struggle to track maintenance schedules and logistics for instruments.
  • Absence of actual tracking of inventory levels and stock at both the clinic and county levels.
  • Clinics lack visibility into the wear and tear of instruments and materials or the associated costs.
  • Clinics are burdened with manual tasks, increasing the risk of human errors.


All 20 clinics and 3 centralized service providers were equipped with LM DTS ™ Table Readers, Instruments   were tagged using LM dental smart tagging solutions. All readers and reader activities were connected through  LM DTS™ Software Server

1. Instruments and cassettes with inbuilt tags

LM-Dental hand instruments and LM-Servo E casettes with inbuilt tag.

2. Smart Tracking solutions

Instruments and equipment from other manufacturers were tagged using LM DTS™ RFID stickers

3. LM DTS™ Table readers

LM DTS™ Table readers for clinics and centralized reprocessing facilities, used to scan incoming and outgoing instruments and materials.

4. LM DTS™ Software

LM DTS™ Software allows clinics to in real-time check the location and status of their instruments and materials.


When installed and in use the system provided the clinics with a simple yet comprehensive solution for efficient maintenance operation management and monitoring of instruments.

The system enables clinics to benefit in various ways, for example:

  • Clinics can track the real-time location and status of instruments and materials.
  • Clinics can streamline logistics and optimize cycle times.
  • Clinics can monitor processes and ensure that instruments and materials are available when needed.
  • Costs can be tracked and allocated accurately.
  • Analytics can be leveraged to optimize processes and material quantities for improved efficiency.
  • Clinics can identify bottlenecks, set alert thresholds, and management gains a centralized view of the situation.

Explore reporting possibilities

Process implementations

Assigning price for activity

Inventory level

Utilization rate


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